NEW ORLEANS, December 2023, PR Newswire - GuidedOR™, a first-to-market real-time medication safety software platform for the operating room, was awarded First Place at the AMIA/HL7® FHIR® App Competition at the 2023 AMIA Annual Symposium. The competition, sponsored in part by Leap of Faith Technologies, showcases the best and most innovative software applications in real-world practice that use the HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®). FHIR® is a method for accessing patient data across health information technology systems, such as electronic health records. Dr. Karen C. Nanji, co-founder of Guided Clinical Solutions and anesthesiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, demonstrated GuidedOR alongside nine other finalists, and GuidedOR was selected by conference attendees as the First Place winner.
GuidedOR is fully integrated with clinical systems and runs on operating room computers to provide real-time critical safety checks as clinicians administer medications to patients. When clinicians scan medication barcodes, GuidedOR provides patient-specific information including recommended doses based on the patient's age, weight or medical history, and alerts for allergies or other critical problems. GuidedOR then sends the medication information to the electronic health record for automated documentation, improving OR efficiency and saving 20% of clinicians' time. It also reminds clinicians of important medications or tests that may have been missed.
The standard safeguards to prevent medication errors that exist elsewhere in the hospital are not available in the operating room due to the fast-paced nature of the operating room and the patient condition, which can change rapidly during surgery. As a result, about 1 in 25 medication administrations in the operating room involves a medication error. Due to the large number of medications administered during surgery, this means that 40% of operations involve at least one medication error.
"This is an exciting time for GuidedOR to be recognized, especially in light of new guidelines from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices and the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation recommending the use of point-of-care safety checks with clinical decision support software like GuidedOR," said Dr. Nanji. "Medication safety in the OR is a high priority issue, and we are honored to receive this award as we begin implementing GuidedOR at hospitals across the US."
About Guided Clinical Solutions Guided Clinical Solutions is a health technology startup that is building the next generation of clinical decision support technology to revolutionize patient safety by preventing errors. Hospitals and surgical centers are partnering with Guided Clinical Solutions to implement GuidedOR, a software platform that provides real-time critical information to clinicians to prevent medication errors in the operating room. Studies show that GuidedOR improves quality of care and workflow efficiency, saving more than 20% of clinicians' time on medication administration and documentation. For more information, visit guidedclinical.com.
About American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) AMIA, the leading professional association for informatics professionals, is the center of action for 5,500-plus informatics professionals from more than 65 countries. As the voice of the nation's top biomedical and health informatics professionals, AMIA and its members play a leading role in assessing the effect of health innovations on health policy and advancing the field of informatics. AMIA actively supports five domains in informatics: translational bioinformatics, clinical research informatics, clinical informatics, consumer health informatics, and public health informatics.